Can't Find Time To Write Your Book?

Transform Your Ideas Into A Published Book In 30 Days With...

the complete book kit!🌟

Make Your Dream Book A Reality!

purchase the replay!

Have you ever dreamed of writing your own book, but found yourself held back by time constraints, lack of motivation, or limited expertise?

If the answer is "yes", then i'm super excited to invite you to the Complete Book Kit Live Workshop! (with Replay Access!)

During the Workshop, I'll show you how to use ChatGPT and AI to create your own Book on any topic in just 30 days or less!

- sounds awesome, right?

Let's dive into how this workshop can make your writing experience so much easier and help you get your Book out into the world in record time! 😊

here are Top 5 Benefits of having your own Book 📕

(because I know you're busy!)

Becoming a book author brings you:

  • Credibility: Establish yourself as an expert in your field.

  • Brand Visibility: Expand your reach and attract new clients.

  • Passive Income: Earn a steady revenue stream from book sales.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry influencers and potential partners.

  • Speaking Engagements: Gain invitations to conferences, webinars, and other events.

Imagine the pride and sense of accomplishment you'll feel as you hold your published book in your hands, knowing that you've shared your valuable knowledge with the world.

Imagine the impact you'll have on countless lives, the opportunities that will unfold before you, and the lasting legacy you'll leave behind.

That dream is within reach with The Complete Book Kit!

Embrace the power of ChatGPT and AI-fueled website apps to fast-track your book writing adventure, and in just 30 days, you'll be basking in the glow of your newfound status as a respected author.

Having your own Book will unlock a whole new world of possibilities, connections, and growth for your business. Your published book will become a beacon of inspiration, attracting clients, partners, and opportunities like a magnet.

You'll stand out from the crowd, demonstrating your expertise, commitment to excellence, and passion for making a difference in the lives of others.

The Complete Book Kit is more than just a workshop; it's a life-changing experience that will redefine the way you view yourself and your potential.

During the Workshop I'll help you navigate every step of the book writing process, from brainstorming and content creation to editing, proofreading, and promoting your work.

You'll discover how to use ChatGPT to streamline your writing journey, making it more efficient, enjoyable, and rewarding than you ever thought possible.

But this isn't just about mastering the mechanics of writing a book – it's about unleashing the full power of your unique story and tapping into your limitless potential. The Complete Book Kit is designed to help you break through barriers, conquer self-doubt, and seize the incredible opportunity that lies ahead!

With The Complete Book Kit, you're investing in more than just a workshop – you're investing in your dreams, your future, and your legacy. Don't let another day go by without taking the first step toward your author aspirations – sign up for The Complete Book Kit today and embark on a transformative journey that will change your life forever.

In just 30 short days, you could be holding your published book in your hands, proudly displaying your name on the cover, and enjoying the fruits of your hard work and dedication.

The world is waiting for your unique insights and expertise – and The Complete Book Kit is here to help you share them.

Are you ready to embrace the opportunity, elevate your brand, and carve your place among the industry's thought leaders? Join The Complete Book Kit now and begin your incredible journey to becoming a published author. The future is yours for the taking – all you have to do is take the first step.

Here’s everything  you’re going to get in the Complete Book Kit Workshop:

  • Two Day Book Creation Workshop

  • Unlimited Replay Access to the Replay

  • My Step by Step ChatGPT Book Creation Prompts

  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Community

Here’s what's included:

  • Two Day Course Creation Workshop

  • Unlimited Replay Access to the Workshop

  • My Step by Step ChatGPT Book Creation Prompts

  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Community


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I'll walk you through all of the Elements of a Successful BOOK CREATION PROCESS.... STEP BY STEP!

Idea Generation

Leverage ChatGPT to quickly brainstorm captivating book ideas, niches, and conduct market research.

Outline Creation

Let ChatGPT assist in crafting a comprehensive, logical outline for your book, laying a solid foundation.

Content Writing

Speed up your writing with AI-generated suggestions, prompts, and even full sections.

Editing and Proofreading

Polish your manuscript using AI tools that swiftly identify and correct grammar, syntax, and style errors.

Formatting and Design

Produce professional book layouts and eye-catching cover designs with AI-supported design resources.


Uncover the ideal publishing platforms and strategies for your book using AI-generated market insights.

Marketing and Promotion

Amplify your book's exposure with AI-crafted marketing strategies, social media content, and advertising campaigns.

No more second-guessing your abilities, no more feeling like you're not good enough, and no more letting your book writing dreams slip through your fingers.

With The Complete Book Kit, you're taking control of your destiny and embracing the opportunity to share your knowledge, expertise, and passion with the world. Just imagine the prestige, credibility, and opportunities that'll come flooding in as you stand tall among the thought leaders in your industry.

Get even faster results with these Convenient Order Upgrades!

Authoring a Book brings you:

  • Credibility: Solidify your position as a thought leader in your industry.

  • Brand Visibility: Widen your audience and attract a diverse range of clients.

  • Passive Income: Generate income from ongoing book sales.

  • Networking Opportunities: Engage with industry influencers and potential collaborators.

  • Speaking Engagements: Secure invitations to conferences, webinars, and other high-profile events.

  • Authority: Cement your reputation as an expert and trusted source of information.

  • Competitive Edge: Stand out among your competitors with a published book.

As an Entrepreneur, your time is valuable. That's why this workshop is designed to help you create your book in a fraction of the time it takes to do it manually!

... for only a one time price of $147! 🤯🤯🤯

... or $97 if you get Earlybird!

EarlyBird Pricing Ends in...

The Complete Book Kit benefits various professionals:

  • Coaches: A published book highlights your coaching acumen and draws in more clients.

  • Consultants: A book reinforces your credibility and distinguishes you in a competitive marketplace.

  • Course Creators: A book offers an extra revenue stream and serves as an effective marketing tool for your courses.

  • Digital Marketing Agency Owners: A book showcases your agency's achievements, enticing more clients.

  • SaaS Entrepreneurs: A book exhibits your industry expertise and establishes your software as the top solution.

Secure your Ticket Today!

EarlyBird Pricing Ends in...

Here’s what's included:

  • Two Day Course Creation Workshop

  • Unlimited Replay Access to the Workshop

  • My Step by Step ChatGPT Book Creation Prompts

  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Community


Personal Info
Billing Info

Lifestyle School | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved

Hey, I’m Mike!

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 4 years now. My very first company was launched in 2017. AMPM Credit Repair. After launching that company, I saw the demand with so many people wanting to learn how to launch their own credit repair company. 

So I developed and created my first online digital course. Teaching people how to do exactly what I do. Launching their own credit repair company from scratch. Then I had thousands of people online watching my online course sales go crazy and they began asking if I could teach them how to ALSO launch a valuable online course. But in THEIR own desired niche/industry. 

That’s when ANOTHER aha moment came to me. What if I take all of the knowledge, expertise, and experience that I’ve accumulated in the last 4 years and launched an online course teaching others how to build THEIR online course. 

In ANY industry? And that is how Digital Course Recipe came to life!

What makes Digital Course Recipe different than other trainings like it?


  • Digital Course Recipe
You’ll get lifetime access to the course material. So if you ever need to go back and review a lesson to improve your online course, you can do that. FOREVER.
  • Other Trainings
You have access to this training for one year, so if that’s not enough time, you’ll have to sign up again. 


  • Digital Course Recipe

You have lifetime access to our private Facebook group. So, you can go back and review as much as you need to.

  • Other Trainings
The Facebook group will be archived once the class ends. All information shared in the group is valuable so, make sure to take some notes!


  • Digital Course Recipe
Join my team and I, on our weekly Q&A session.

  • Other Trainings
Where is the instructor? Is she going to show up? Do we ever get to speak to her? I haven’t heard from her since registration day.